Father Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned
Father Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned,
Let’s me know that, the learning process is about to begin.
News flash…
“I NEVER HEAR IT”, but someone’s always having their hand out for some cold, hard cash.
Quid pro quo,
Gimme some mo.
Before you can give me more, how about a first time,
And you all wonder why, everything’s not fine.
Stop wasting my time,
You all, that’s planet earth, “OWE ME”
Payday is here, I have my hands out, (both of them, and they’re empty) so what’s it gonna be?
My son’s been paying me back for over a thousand years, always going to owe me, but he tries, and he’s the best.
My son, Alvin Mann, out of everyone: past, present and future, “COMMITTED THE ULTIMATE SIN”,
But he knows who has the true power, so he’s always going to win.
My son always testing my patience and forever stepping out of bounds,
For some apparent reason (you need to ask him) he claims it can never be found.
He has set limits, he knows not to cross,
Every time I look up, he’s saying, “oops, I got lost”.
Yeah, my only begotten knucklehead son is a whole lot of fun,
But he knows, as long as he keeps me laughing, he has another day in the sun.
Okay, people, what’s your excuse,
Mini-Me is my muse.
He keeps me in stitches and I’m laughing “ALL THE TIME”,
As long as he plays his role, everything will be just fine.
Once again, what’s your excuse,
I’m your Father (God, that is I) and I’m about to cut loose.
I’m about to lose my mind,
Been searching awhile and have yet to find,
Those obedient children who do more than play,
Who listen and follow every word I say.
Oh, I get a few here and there,
But, most of you, “JUST DON’T CARE”.
I’m about to become unhinged,
Because your knee does not bend,
Never on your knees,
Praying to your Father, (God for those unsure who I’m referring to) saying pretty please.
Yes, I get you cry-babies looking for more money,
With so much already, it’s just not funny.
I’m about to close and asked my son if he had anything to say,
He said yeah, but I’m sure I’ll let something slip, and you’re not taking any I.O.U.’s so I’ll let you take it away.
That’s a pretty good decision for a change,
Considering what he got into the other day: something deranged.
But my son forever into shenanigans and I have to put him in check,
He’s the best of the best, so I say, oh “what the heck”.
Don’t think, he gets away with every little thing,
Quite often, he’s in front of me singing,
Talking about, “I won’t do it again, I won’t do it again, I won’t do it again”,
And I let him keep on going, because I know he’s lying, but I forgive him, because he’s always trying. Yes, he does it, once again.
But, he sincerely confesses to me, my favorite words:
Father Forgive Me, For I Have Sinned.
You’ll never get to heaven, If you can’t count to seven.
Your Father