Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Countdown - Minus One Day

One day…

Just one more glorious, fun-filled day,

Then I (God) get to come out and play.

So, all you gym shoe creepers and non-believers, go ahead,

Pretty soon, quite a few of you are going to be “Stone Cold Dead”.

The thought of leaving this life should not be filled with utter doom,

Quite the opposite, it’s this life, that’s filled with all the gloom.

Too many are brought up to always believe,

Just take anything you want, and to have open arms to only receive.

Being judged by the color of your skin,

Will always be, the beginning of the end.

God is not white, black, neither brown,

Those who say otherwise, are truly a mischievous clown.

Jesus also didn’t have pale skin or blue eyes,

He’s the one who sacrificed, and got the ultimate prize.

You have one more day,

Be a good idea…

…to pray!

Your Father


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Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Countdown - Minus Two Days

Two days…

Yes, I’m (God, that’s me) getting ready for the final preparations for what’s in store for “All My Children”. Not really all of you, but if you’re still alive after I go through the planet, it means I didn’t want to send you home yet. (Luck has nothing to do with it.) Definitely my son, Alvin Mann, is still going to be around. I need him to fulfill a few more of my prophesies, and then I have a pleasant surprise for him. But if he blinks, “he’ll miss it”. Ha, ha!

Tell them what I mean, Mini-Me.

“What’s my name, is the name of this game”

God and Mini-Me are forever playing games,

God is the master and Mini-Me always comes up lame.

The way the game is played, God is always going to win,

Mini-Me loses all the time, however, he never gets a chance to sin.

All Mini-Me has to do is, exactly what God says, which means Mini-Me will come out ahead,

Disobeying God and not following the rules, could eventually lead to, winding up dead.

Which is why, although Mini-Me appears to always lose,

He has decided to always choose,

“To obey God all the time”,

And to learn His melodic rhymes.

You see, God isn’t really hard to understand,

Just don’t try to speak to Him as a child, woman or man.

God is, and will forever be spirit in every sense of the word,

So in conversations with Him, communicate spiritually, and you’ll be heard.

Mini-Me now has God’s ear, 24/7 continually, yes, all the time,

And they always enjoy each others catchy rhymes.

To enjoy life on Earth with God, you must always submit to Him each and every day,

When you’re at work, while at rest and even at play.

And yes, I know, you still don’t understand, which is why pretty soon,

Everyone is going to be howling at the moon.

Due to the Chaos and Havoc that’s about to be unleashed,

Dad (that’s what I call Him) is going to be like a “Unhinged Beast”.

So eventually, the clock is gonna stop,

Better be prepared when that countdown drops,

All the way down to zero,

Dad has decided, “Mini-Me is going to be the Ultimate Hero”.

Alvin Mann

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Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Countdown - Minus Three Days

Three days…

The final days before I (God) unleash my wrath are approaching soon, so hopefully everyone gets their “Hee-Haws” in because all hell is about to break loose. It’s okay, only maybe a third of the Earth people will disappear. I’m sure everyone can agree…

…there’s too many peeps on the planet!

“Who Am I?”

The one who created the most beautiful creature there ever was,

All that’s required, is to give back to me, your everlasting love.

Just do unto others as you would have done to yourself,

Instead, you make statues and books self-idolizing to place on a shelf.

White, black, brown and every color across the spectrum is the same,

Those of you in power, are always lying that you intimately know my name.

The laws that are created by man were never intended to be equal,

Planet Earth had better get ready for “God’s World” (It’s The Prequel).

My son Alvin Mann will make certain, to bring forth justice, for this planet, called Earth,

These are my laws which shall be universal, for all to obey, is to be a “Re-Birth”.

You all better take care of my son, and never harm a hair on his clean-shaven head,

Unless you like swimming with the fishes (Yes, you will definitely wind up, “STONE COLD DEAD”).

Your Father


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Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Countdown - Minus Four Days

Four days…

Time waits for no one, and I’m tired of waiting on “All My Children” (that’s you, ungrateful beings) to change. So, here’s what I’m going to do. You will decide how much Chaos and Havoc, I decide to rain down on you as individuals. To all you mega-billionaires, you’re going to decide how much I do to you. You’re going to get in contact with my son and make him an offer he can’t refuse. Of course, the offer that you’ll make, will benefit him, and not yourselves. Women, you’re included in this also. Leona Helmsley, isn’t the only woman who didn’t like to pay taxes. Imelda Marcos, a.k.a. “The Shoe Lady” with her 3,000 plus pairs of shoes, comes to mind among a few. You men and women better hook up my son, Alvin Mann or else. He’s not asking you, I (God) am giving you all “A Direct Order”, you better take care of my son. One day he’s going to make a public confession/announcement and on that day, the history books and everything on planet Earth are going to change. “History Will Be Re-Written”. Every world leader better acknowledge it, publicly and in private, or “The Lawnmower Man” (that’s me) going to mow your ass like grass. (Those are Mini-Me’s words, but I won’t disagree!)

Hopefully, when all you billionaires release the tight grip you have on all your “ill-gained proceeds”, you’’ll feel better. (Yes, I know you won’t, but it’s the thought that counts) Just keep in mind, your pain in giving it away, is my son’s gain. It’s a “Win-Win” situation. I’m going to leave everyone with something to ponder over tonight, it goes like this:

“How Do I Get To Heaven”

Getting into heaven isn’t hard at all to achieve,

For those who are God’s true children, they’ll open up their hearts to receive,

The message and soothing instructions on exactly what to do,

And it’s always, continually as easy as tying the strings on your gym shoes.

Too many people from all over the world want to lead, but never follow,

Which makes those individuals, in the eyes of God, extremely hollow.

To achieve the ultimate goal in life,

Other than getting a husband, child or wife,

Is to be all that you can be, in living for your Father, who’s in heaven,

You just need to learn, how to count to seven.

My son, Alvin Mann will give everyone instructions with his words,

And, he’ll make certain that it’ll travel worldwide, to ensure, it’s universally heard.

Your Father


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Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Countdown - Minus Five Days

Five days…

Hmmm, time is never guaranteed. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Eternal life is guaranteed. To receive eternal life, sacrifices in this life must happen. Living eternally doesn’t happen in the physical form, as in the human body, for those who are confused, which is most of you. Don’t feel discouraged, there are many so called “religious leaders” who are not living as they should. There’s a special place in hell for them. They scream the loudest. So, for all of those so called religious leaders currently on planet Earth, my son Alvin Mann will have a little something for you. After he visits, a revelation may come over you. It’s possible repentance from your wicked ways occurs. Whatever verdict he gives, is final. There is no recourse, no appeal, nothing. If you really want to change, and avoid the penalty and/or fines, it’s best to be done before your name comes across his desk. Once your name comes across his desk, “it’s too late”. Time to pay the piper.

For those who listen to, follow and obey these so called religious leaders, quite a few of you know, these individuals are no good. The dumb leading the dumber. So, my son has something for you also, just be prepared, my disobedient children. While everyone is contemplating these last few days of melancholy, keep in mind, “ you brought this on yourselves”. Too many times I (God, that’s me) has given mankind (that’s you) time to repent from your devilish ways, but no, it’s not enough to have it all, you want more than you deserve. Some of you with everything are going to be left with, “NOTHING”. I’m a Billy Joel fan: “go cry in your coffee, but don’t come bitching to me”. You want someone to have pity on your sorry behinds, get in contact with my son, Alvin Mann. He may put in a good word to the Big Guy upstairs (that’s me, God) and I (God, your Father) may return a portion of what I took away, then again maybe I won’t. You better compensate my son, otherwise, you’ll never see your material things, ever again.

Yes, my children, time is never guaranteed. The remaining time left before I unleash my wrath on the entire planet, should be done in private.

“Time to pray for a much better day.”

When the wrath of God is done and has scorched through the entire Earth,

It’ll be time for regrouping, and incorporating a universal rebirth.

The rebuilding process never starts on the outside, but always from within,

So, before the first step is made, look to God and He’ll let you know when to begin.

When you start with God, there will never be any reason to ever think of sin,

Having me continuously leading throughout, it’s guaranteed that you’ll always win.

Look before you leap, think before you speak!

Your Father


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Alvin Comage Alvin Comage

Six Days, Six Hours, Six Minutes Until D-Day (666)

Okay you gym shoe creepers and non-believers, it's getting closer to the time where we separate the boys from the girls, the men from the women, the kings from the queens, and most of all those who live for God (that's me) and those who do not. Bottom line, if you don't live for me, you live and work for Satan. “Not a problem”, that's a lot more room for my faithful children to occupy in heaven. So just continue on the wretched road you're on, you'll lose in the end. Ask Mini-Me. He was once on that road. Mini-Me left me, as my number one disciple to go work for Satan as his number one disciple. The fool thought he was going to take over Satan's spot and he then would become number one and have no one to answer to. Yes, I know, it sounds just like I said it: “STUPID!”

It's impossible for anyone in the flesh to overcome a spirit. When you go against God (that's me) all kinds of devilish thoughts enter your mind and possesses you to become an abomination to the Lord God (once again, that's me). In the end, Mini-Me found himself in multiple pieces on the floor. I put that fool back together. I’m an Average White Band fan: “Pick Up The Pieces”. Don't believe me? Ask him. If it wasn't for me, he would've died and most definitely would be “burning in hell for eternity”. Ask Him about what the people, his students, did to him. I can still hear him screaming. It makes me happy to know that my son, Alvin Mann a.k.a. Mini-Me isn't going back, nor will he ever consider going back to that fool, Satan, the ultimate loser.

So you gym shoe creepers and non-believers, time will tell what you're made of.

The clock is ticking and soon it will stop,

Everyone will see how many of you, will eventually drop.

As you continue on obtaining your final wish,

It's important that you all must know how to fish.

While those who truly love God are doing well,

Those who work for Satan are going to disappear, at the sound of the bell.

When that bell rings and goes off all around town,

My misguided and unfaithful children will be going down…

…to hell.

Listen to the bell.

Farewell fools.

You lose.


Your Father


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