Love Conquers Hate

This is your Father, and I’m sending you “ALL MY LOVE”,

It’s coming from, where it’s always came from, heaven above.

You’ve all been the same since the very beginning,

Mischievous children, hell-bent on sinning.

There’s always been, with you, “a choice”,

Much too often, you listen to the wrong voice.

What I have to say here, is going to take a considerable amount of time,

Because, I need to help you all find, which has been lost (a long time ago) and that’s “your ever loving minds”.

This is not a joke,

And those of you who smoke,

Go rite ahead, because, everything will be just fine,

My son has “FOREVER”, you are the ones with a limited amount of time.

Like Mini-Me said, he ages gracefully, like fine wine,

His unique brand, “Chateau de Alvino”, is the finest, oldest and most flavorful you’ll ever find.

One drop of his wine from your cup,

Is more than enough, to fill you up.

His cup, runneth over and always has a spill,

It’s a never-ending flow, which will continually fill,

Anyone who has a cup and allows it to drop into,

When you take a sip, it will immediately invigorate you.

Love Conquers Hate,

What you all need is something that unites everyone, otherwise, you’ll meet with a terrible fate.

Better learn to count to seven,

If you ever want to reach heaven.

Those of you that really don’t care, I’ll keep that in mind,

And when everyone begins searching, you, “THEY’LL NEVER FIND”.

Those of you that thinks this is funny,

Your power, heritage, position, lineage, race, or even money,

Won’t save you from the fate that God (that is I) has in store,

Like my son Mini-Me, you’ll be discovered in multiple pieces, lying on the floor.

I put Jigsaw Al back together because he works “Strictly For Me”,

This is for the entire planet, “LEAVE HIM ALONE, OR I’LL BE THE ONE, WHO SETS YOU FREE”.

“All My Children” of the world, gather round,

Because I’ve just located, (not a minute too soon) yes, I’ve found,

What’s been missing, from all of you,

What you all need, is something else to do.

This is for the entire planet: you will all help my son on his mission,

Pretty soon, he’ll be heading out; He’s Going Fishing!

No one needs to worry,

And he’s not in any hurry.

I’ve given him a list,

And it has, “The Greatest of Hits”.

This list, I plucked off my wall,

Prepare for your name to be called.

Those of you, who truly love me, which aren’t many,

Can just go chill and listen to a little, Jack Benny.

You’ll be around for a very long time,

So, you can go have your laughs, while others are helped to find,

What’s been lost, which is their ever loving minds.

Those of you, worldwide, that create laws to benefit just a few,

“Times Up”, I’m coming to get you.

For now, I’m limiting this to the United States,

Who supposedly is, “number one and America the Great”.

Lately, you’ve been making too many mistakes,

The title of this blog is “Love Conquers Hate”,

And what you’ve been doing, does not equate,

The topic is not open with me for: discussion, conversation or debate.

I’m not going to say here, now what I was going to, because of my son,

I’m God and he’s not, let’s get that straight. I’ve received from him, just now, another I.O.U. or you’d be done.

President Joseph R. Biden, my son thinks very highly of you,

He and I never talk politics, so believe me, “THAT’S HIS PERSONAL VIEW”.

I’m God and there’s only one,

Alvin Mann works strictly for me, he’s also my only begotten knucklehead son.


Hopefully, no one, including you, will not give him any beef.

I’m not really sure, but my son claims, you have a few more seasons,

That’s in your current office, and he’s given me some pretty valid reasons.

So, we will see, what we will see,

And Mini-Me knows not to ask me about this again, or I’ll set him free.

My son thinks I should spare him from pain, talking about, “he needs to rest”,

Like all of you, he’s also a gym-shoe creeper and constantly needs to be put to the test.

I especially test those closest to me: need to weed out the God haters,

And Jesus wannabe imitators.

That’s rite, I love everyone exactly the same,

The entire planet needs to know, I’ve put my son through, “A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF PAIN”.

When the time comes, and it will, Mini-Me is going to “spread the love”,

Don’t worry, it comes “From Heaven Above”.

So you peeps in the United States take good care of my son,

Or for sure, you’ll be done.

I’ll be sending to a select few, when this blog posts,

And you’ll have exactly 24 hours or you’ll be toast.

That way, you’ll know who has the true power (God, that is I) and who does not,

That’s correct weird ones, Mini-Me is 100% on spot: “I’m the Big Shot”.

So help a brother out,

Don’t have me scream and shout.

There’s a new Sheriff in town,

And he can be easily found.

Anyone who ever wants to play,

Go over to see him, 24 hours a day.

My son’s been ready for a very long time,

He knows, that those who “toe down with him”, done lost their minds.

So let’s make this country really and truly great,



Your Father



Let’s Come Together


United We Stand, Divided We Fall