Blog Post Seven
Time sits still for no one. However, utilizing time to the best of one’s own ability is quite rewarding. The satisfaction in seeing to the end of a project, is always a joy. My current projects will be most rewarding upon it’s completion.
Dad, sorry to interrupt you, but getting on the ball is what you’re supposed to be doing.
Rose, you interrupted my train of thought, now it’s gonna take longer.
Dad, you really need to speed it up, daylight’s burning and…
You needs to step back and check yourself young lady, I’m not the one.
Tell Mr. You-Know-Who that I’ll finish these projects, when I finish them.
Dad, He said something wonderful is coming your way and if…
Bullshit. He always leading me on, telling me to keep the faith and press on. And pray! “I do that, and all the time.” Why don’t you both put your collective heads together and give me a miracle. How about that?
Dad, He said…
I don’t want to hear it. A miracle please. God can do anything, so I’ll be patiently waiting.
Dad, He said His love for you is endless.
Good, but Endless Love not paying the bills. He can breathe life into dust and make a man, and pull a rib out of that man and make a woman and can’t have a bag of money for me when I wake up in the morning? C’mon, who you bullshiting? I repeat, God can do anything, so I’ll be waiting. And, I won’t be holding my breath.
So dad, you know the deadline is tomorrow.
I also know those of us on earth have a limited amount of time, and you all in heaven have eternity.
So dad, you gonna get on the ball and handle your business? Daylight burning!
Yes dad?
It gets really annoying at times, like tonite, when you be stealing my words and use them against me.
Yes Rose?
If the shoe fits…
Look, I’m tired so I’ll just have to say, “Hasta la Vista, baby”.
Goodnight dad.
Goodnite. Tell Miracle Man, I’ll be waiting.
He said, Ha, ha!
Back to our regularly scheduled program
What’s the moral of this story? God wants us to work for Him and not the other way around. We are here for His pleasure, not our own. And to always on a daily basis glorify His name, in deed and words. But, you must be sincere. Well, that’s what He always tells me. He’s perfect and Jesus is the perfect example. I’m not either and not gonna try to be. I’m a Frank Sinatra fan and I’m gonna do it my way. So, He’s gonna have to accept it or not. No, I’m not going to do just anything, however, the way that it’ll be done will be an enjoyment to my Father. He says, I put on a good show and that “I’m entertaining”. (His words, not mine.) Yes, this world is my stage and I am a great performer. Well, that’s what the big guy tells me. Don’t believe me? Ask Him. Gotta go, daylight burning.
Alvin Mann