Blog Post Two

So here we are on day 2 of this site being published. I went live last night at 10:00pm and as of yet, it's still not up and running. It's up, however, it's not yet caught up to the internet. The saying goes, good things come to those who wait. Well, I'll be patiently waiting to see what becomes of my many endeavors. We'll see if everything goes as planned. So far, most has not happened as anticipated, but, how many things in life really do. I'm in no hurry. I'll just continue onward and hopefully upward. My partner Lilly Pollyanna, out there somewhere living large, because she is I believe, larger than life. Yes, she's pretty remarkable. A fascinating, creative individual.


So you think Lilly is remarkable, fascinating & a creative individual Rose inquires?

Without a doubt, she is that and more, I state.

Dad, you need to keep an eye on that one. For real.

Tell you what, my angel in heaven, who's watching over me, you do it. You have nothing but eternal peace and joy until I meet you upstairs. I'm just flesh and blood, you're the one with the super powers. So, do your job and be my personal bodyguard.

Rose says, it doesn't work that way. You don't just get into heaven, you have to earn it. You know, earn your stripes.

I guess you got a point there, because you never did listen to me and when you did, it was only to do just the opposite of what I told you not to do. You just like your mother, but, of course, you always knew that, didn't you?

Yes dad, since I was in diapers. And although you weren't around when I was growing up, I also knew I was just like you. So I had the devil in me from both parents.

You're beginning to annoy me angel, so go back and tell the big guy (that's you God) I don't feel like none of His nonsense tonight. Because I know it was His idea to have you come and harass me everyday, and in every way. To constantly be there when I wake up in the morning, throughout the day and when I go to sleep at night. There's no getting rid of you. Sometimes, I need a break. That's a subtle hint.

Dad, it's not gonna happen. I'll be with you until you arrive in heaven

Rose, for now don't go away mad, just go away.

I love you too dad!

Yeah, whatever!

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Yes, I'll be patiently waiting for to become fully operational. I foresee a bright and sunny future ahead. I'm in no hurry and I suspect my buddy Lilly isn't either, especially since she's financially secure. Soon, I'll reach that plateau and it won’t come soon enough. On my last couple of dollars (make that three dollars and twenty cents). Oh well, I'll get by with a little help from my friends. Me, myself and I. (The Trinity as they're known.)

To all of you out there in cyberspace, keep a few things in mind. You reap what you sow. Be assured that one day, we all have to atone for our misdeeds. Let's not get too flippant with your remarks. If you don't have anything good to say, say nothing at all. Let's do our part to make this world a better place.

Gotta get back to work now, these canvases are not gonna paint themselves. See you soon in the Galleria. That's Lilly Pollyanna Galleria!


Alvin Mann


Blog Post Three


Blog Post One