Kimberly and Merrick (The Dynamic Duo)

Kimberly and Merrick definitely have their work cut out for them. Washington, D.C. is infested with politicians and law enforcement officials who are “Insurrectionists”. It's a shame that we have those who are supposedly sworn to uphold the constitution of the United States, perverting everything, just to rewrite history. The gig is up, you fools. There’s been undercover agents onsite since just after your failed attempt to overthrow your government. Names have been compiled, those who do not voluntarily turn themselves in to Kimberly and Merrick will be charged with sedition, treason and an attempt to overthrow the United States of America. (Don't shoot me, “I'm just the messenger”.)

It really would be funny, “okay hilarious” to see the same fools who tried to overthrow the government, get their just rewards. You really don't have to turn yourselves in, please don't. After you're arrested, charged and temporarily held before trial, all your assets will be frozen, worldwide. We know where it's at, you've been under surveillance since just after the January 6th, 2021 Insurrection. For the first phase, law enforcement and the major political figures are the ones that will be going down. (This is a 10 count: you're out!) Your property is going to be confiscated, so your wives, children, girlfriends, boyfriends and everyone else need to prepare for a different place to reside. Anything in your name, “poof” going to disappear.

Who am I? (God). Who are you? (All my mischievous children.) Confess your sins to me, then confess them to Kimberly and Merrick. It better be a full confession if you don't want to face the firing squad. I forgot to mention, a special court has been set up, with special judges for this very special occasion. Think about it, the first time in history, U.S. citizens have engaged in such egregious behavior to overthrow their own government. There's been discussions on what to do with the bodies (yours after public execution). Burying them in unmarked graves comes in a close 2nd. The number one choice has been to cremate and release your ashes on the Capital steps. That probably will never happen, but who would have thought a Insurrection against the United States with it's own citizens would happen, so “you never know”.

So, the dynamic duo will be patiently awaiting your arrival. If it doesn't happen, that's even better. You definitely, will be charged, convicted and executed. Here's the funniest thing about this entire scenario: Kimberly and Merrick were never informed of any of this. It was considered at the time, to be too risky. Didn't want to risk any more breaches of security. So who's behind all this: God. I also have honest, faithful Americans who will steadfastly uphold the laws of the constitution, which you Insurrectionists fail to do. There has been a Inter-Agency Task Force working undercover since just after the failed attempt to overthrow the government.

It's in the last stages, so you gym shoe creepers and non-believers can get your last hurrahs in, because very soon, your freedom will be gone. Just like the freedom you tried to take away from “real law-abiding citizens”, by the way, which category you don’t fall under. You can run, by all means, go right ahead. In this case, extradition treaties won't be a problem. You figure out what that means, you're smart people. One day I (God) may see you in heaven. But, you have to make a public confession, and it must be sincere and you have to ask me (God) for forgiveness. Then, you may have an opportunity at achieving everlasting life.

Peace Be Unto You!

Your Father


Riddle Time: What does Alvin Mann have to do with all of this?

Answer at the bottom of this post. Be patient, read the entire post. My son has a story to tell.



Lil Grasshopper, what in heaven is going on?

Father is hooking up those people in Washington, D.C. They going down for a 10 count.

You don't say.

Yep, that's what Father says.

Cool, makes my job a lot easier.

How's that?

Rose, why you all the time trying to bullshit, the world's greatest bullshiter. You know damn well, Dad got me scheduled to swoop in for a few to interrogate one of them peeps, guy by the name of Kevin Mac.

Well, Father may have mentioned a thing or two concerning your mission. Not really my place to discuss any of this with anyone, including you, dear old dad.

No probs, it's all good.

So, you're not upset?

Not in the least. I know one day, I'm gonna pass from this life, to where you're at, then my deprogramming of you will commence. I will unbrainwash (that's a word I just made up) you, and in no time at all, you’ll be free from the shackles which have confined you. God's rules!

Dad, why you all the time, talking crazy?

Must be because, I was created in the image of “The Big Kahuna”. So, how you like that answer, smart ass?

Father said, remember that circle Mini-Me.

Tell Dad, I'm sorry. I just stepped back 6 steps.

So dad, how long you going to be in Washington?

About half a heartbeat. I hate that damn town. Them peeps eat their own young. Won't be there long at all.

You think Kevin going to sing?

Sweet songs of Vengeance. His buddy in Largo Land the one who dropped Kevin's name. We have spies everywhere. Washington, Largo Land and even the peeps own homes. No one wants to go to jail for treason it seems, even though so many are involved. They actually thought it was a “slam dunk”. Quite a few of them gonna find out what a slam dunk is, once they pass through those prison gates. I suggested that the first 18 law enforcement officials who turn themselves in voluntarily, make a full confession and name, names, don't face the firing squad. The political officials have to drop all of this at feet of “The Bare-Ass Naked Emperor”. Yes, this case is moving along pretty well.

So, what's up after D.C. dad?

A trip around the U.S. I have to make a few unannounced rounds. Time to introduce myself.

What name you going under?

Not counting my birth name, 10 - 15.

Dad, quit playing.

No, this is no shit. Many times, I've used 8 different aliases in the span of 1 hour. I thought you knew me, Lil Grasshopper. I am, “The Ultimate Bullshiter”. I'm so good, I even convince myself, I am who I say I am. It's baffling how much bullshit I talk, that peeps believe.

Well, you were once, “Satan's Number One Disciple, Worldwide”.

True dat, and Dad never lets me forget that. It's all good, I mean He did put me back together.

How many pieces were you in?

Multiple. Let's move on.

So dad, you don't like talking about that do you?

I do not. We were all about the same age. I was the oldest, I had maybe 18 months on the oldest and 3 years on the youngest. The cutting, drilling and chopping me up is not what really hurt. Okay, it did hurt, but what truly got to me was, I looked at all of them as my children. And they did that to me. They said, I was holding out on them. They wanted me to teach them how to be more cruel and create additional devious ways to inflict pain and suffering on our fellow man. Between the 6 of them, they came up with 238 ways. They figured I knew at least 200 more.

Actually, I knew 428 more, but I mainly gave them assignments that covered various areas: robbery, murder, kidnapping, you know along them lines. They were a sadistic bunch. Me, to this day, I'm not what you call “a repeat offender”. Long as I do it, one time, I'm all good. I move on. Repeat offenders, doing things you're not supposed to be doing, will eventually get caught. I don't get caught.

So what happened?

I got “set up”.

Anyone you knew?

Someone you know also!


That all you have to say?

Father told me about that.

Yeah, and He told me, He told you. But you never mentioned it to me.

Dad, I figured if you wanted to tell me, you would. And if you ever wanted to talk to me about it, we could talk. Otherwise, I wasn't going to bring it up.

You pretty smart, must have gotten those genes from me.

You know dad, mom tells me that all the time, about certain attributes I have. So you and her are a lot alike.

We're alike in a few ways, I wouldn't call it a lot.

So what's on your agenda tonight dad?

Who knows. Dad been pretty quiet, but you just wait. Soon as that clock stops, He gonna unleash havoc, chaos and mayhem on Earth. Then He gonna have me go do the cleanup. Oh well, gotta go take care of a few things, before my next assignment.

Nite dad!

Nite Rose!

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Alvin and Rose, are the epitome of a great father and daughter example. They have a fantastic bond and both are good entertainers. Now, I come to the part about my ungrateful children. (That's you.) Just slightly over 10 days left and a lot of people are going to be in a world of pain. Most will just disappear and when they reappear, they'll be sleeping with the fishes.

“Bon Appetit”.

Your Father


Answer to the riddle: Alvin Mann's got his hands all up in this. Up to his elbows. You Insurrectionists want a good deal? Contact my son, but only through your lawyers, and only after first contacting Kimberly and/or Merrick. Full confessions only, no partial anything. It's all or nothing! You can thank your “spineless wannabe emperor who's still walking around bare-ass naked”. You have to place blame on yourselves also. It's not like a gun was at your head. You have 3 days from the time of this posting, that's 72 hours for those of you who can't count.


The Emperor Has No Clothes (Why Wasn't He Told?)


Where Do I Go From Here?