Now That You’re In (Where Do You Begin?)
Kimberly, now that you’re in,
Where on earth, do you begin?
I’m cleaning the world, (that’s my house).
Now, you must clean yours, It’s much more than one mouse.
I’m sure by now, you know the truth,
Hope you don’t get a “TKO”, with a missing tooth.
Maybe you’ll wind up getting a bloody nose,
It’s better than becoming a “crime scene”, washed down by a hose.
In your primary job and current position,
Maintaining personal security, should be the best condition.
So it’s up to you, to put a stop!
From the top to the bottom, there must be a change,
Some will stay, most will go, yes, they’ll be rearranged.
You, USAG Garland and Mini-Me will one day meet,
Give him 15 minutes, that’s enough time to greet.
The saying goes, “everyone has their 15 minutes of fame”,
Mini-Me had his (many times) already, you and Merrick, whatever, became?
That’s what everyone will say, if you and he lose,
The missed opportunity, by failing to choose,
The chance to break away from Mr. & Mrs. Two-Face,
In Washington, D.C. and make history in solving the on-going case.
Before I (God, that’s me) go,
I must let you know,
My son, Alvin Mann, has a daughter in heaven,
She’s here, because he taught her, “how to count to seven”.
You better not let anything happen to my son,
Or your career and everything else, will surely be done.
I’m the one who told Mini-Me, you have his back,
“God is not a liar”, so don’t be a hack.
Now, I must continue on my “worldwide tour”,
Hopefully, the planet will be able to endure,
All the “Chaos and Havoc” I’m about to cause,
People running around, calling everyone, even, Roz.
I hear continually every name, but mine, God,
So I must strike down forcefully, with my lightning rod.
That lightning rod is Alvin Mann, he’ll come later,
God (that’s me) is certainly, much, much greater.
So, United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, as long as you clean your house,
You’ll be fine, but you must get rid of every last “filthy mouse”.
This is God’s World,
Time for everyone to twirl.
Time for me to go,
Continue to enjoy, “My Worldwide Show”.
Your Father