Countdown - Minus Three Days

Three days…

The final days before I (God) unleash my wrath are approaching soon, so hopefully everyone gets their “Hee-Haws” in because all hell is about to break loose. It’s okay, only maybe a third of the Earth people will disappear. I’m sure everyone can agree…

…there’s too many peeps on the planet!

“Who Am I?”

The one who created the most beautiful creature there ever was,

All that’s required, is to give back to me, your everlasting love.

Just do unto others as you would have done to yourself,

Instead, you make statues and books self-idolizing to place on a shelf.

White, black, brown and every color across the spectrum is the same,

Those of you in power, are always lying that you intimately know my name.

The laws that are created by man were never intended to be equal,

Planet Earth had better get ready for “God’s World” (It’s The Prequel).

My son Alvin Mann will make certain, to bring forth justice, for this planet, called Earth,

These are my laws which shall be universal, for all to obey, is to be a “Re-Birth”.

You all better take care of my son, and never harm a hair on his clean-shaven head,

Unless you like swimming with the fishes (Yes, you will definitely wind up, “STONE COLD DEAD”).

Your Father



Countdown - Minus Two Days


Countdown - Minus Four Days