War & Peace

Come one, come all,

Prepare for your name to be called.

We have an on-going war currently, over the entire earth,

You all have time, to get yourselves ready for, “The Rebirth”.

My son, Alvin Mann, will show you the way,

I’ve cut him loose and it’s time to play.

This my children, is the real deal,

Stay away from those who are always trying to steal.

I’m watching “All My Children”, that’s everyone, everywhere,

I already know, most of you, “just don’t care”.

The time will come when you’ll want to get in (heaven),

The door will be shut, since you can’t count to seven.

Since everyone wants to just play,

And not listen to anything I say,

I’ll make certain to remember that,

At the time, you’re up to bat.

You’ll be at the table with Jesus, he’ll have your reservation,

It’ll be such a marvelous celebration.

You’ll all get to explain to him, of your disobedience and strife,

When he’s the one who, for everyone, “gave his life”.

The time is at hand,

To find out who you want as “leader of the band”.

I’m patiently waiting on “All My Children” to come home,

Most won’t arrive, no worries, I’m never alone.

I’ll have mansions as far as the eye can see, for those, that arrive,

First you have to come to a decision, and you can not hide.

All will have to make their own individual choice,

Listen, to the inner voice.

If you want to have eternal happiness and pure ecstasy,

What has to happen is, you must be free.

Let go of all hate, anger, frustration, envy, divisiveness and unjust behavior,

The one who died for everyone, he is the Savior.

I’m coming for you all,

Prepare for your name to be called.

I’m going to have a surprise, it’s such a feast…

“Trick or Treat”

Your Father



And Then There Was One


Little Drummer Boy