What Time Is It? (You Don't Really Care)

I've always wondered if I (God, your Father) made a mistake, regarding the creation of man. Adam and Eve are one thing, besides they were the first, and I already knew Eve was going to do that. I gave both of them a break, and after that, they continued on faithfully, for the rest of their very long lives. A few hundred years at least, and it was a lot harder in the early days. You humans nowadays, are too soft and need a wakeup call. Ask Alvin Mann about his pets back then. He had one he called Fang, a sabertooth tiger. Back in those days life was very carefree. After that big boo-boo in the Garden of Eden, everything was okay for at least 6,000 years.

That was then, this is now. So, human race, when I rain down my wrath on the planet, you better take care of my son Alvin Mann. He's been through this before many times, ask him and see what he says. Be forewarned, he does get a tad bit dramatic, but I like his jokes better, which is why I keep him around. He's just like all the rest of you, every last one of you…”expendable”. Oops! I hope I didn't bust your bubble.

For some reason, which I'm not sure of, my son is rather fond of U.S. President Joe Biden. We've never talked about politics, which is a good thing, because I'm not pleased, with what I've been seeing lately. Worldwide, you are running rapidly out of time. Giddy up. That's my winged horse, time for my carriage ride to the mansion. See you at the finish line…maybe!

Your Father


Riddle Time: What makes the world go round and you can't live without?

Answer at the bottom of this post. Be patient, read the entire post. My son has a story to tell.




So Father talk to you?

Yes, you know He's really beginning to annoy me.

He said, the feeling is mutual.

My annoyance is real, His is spiritual. Mine have actual feelings attached to flesh.

Father said, if you keep talking, pretty soon you won't be walking.

Tell Dad, I really have become accustomed to utilizing these healthy legs, if at all possible, may I continue using them. Sorry Dad, I'll calm down.

Father said, you're learning to play the game very well.

I don't know about that, no matter what I do, I'm always losing, to Dad anyway.

As long as you follow His rules, you'll be okay, and stay out of the body bag.

See, when Dad talks like that, I definitely know something is up.

He said, you better be ready when He contacts you and don't mess around. Capisce?

10-4 Commander Kahuna.

Father said, Roger Wilco, Major General Mann.

Nite Rose.

Night dad.

One day, when he least expects it, my only begotten knuckle-head son, Alvin Mann, is going to make an announcement, with “History Changing Ripple Effects”. Stay tuned!

Your Father


Answer to the riddle: God. I created the entire universe and never get credit for it, and when I do, it's a footnote. I'm tired of being ignored. I'm gonna get you…soon!


Me and Mini-Me


The Time Has Come (For Fun)