Home Run
You'd be surprised how many people are in heaven. More than a few, but, less than you think. Those who are in the House of the Lord, are there because, they obeyed God (That's me, by the way), listened to His voice, were faithful to everything and everyone. Yes, they are the ones I'm currently looking for, on earth. Where are you?
I don't see you anywhere,
or do you even care.
While you take a smoke,
you're the biggest joke.
All you want to do is play,
From sunup to sundown each and every day,
Pretty soon the clock will eventually stop,
So you better be ready when it goes:
Riddle Time: Tell the truth, is God (That's me) real?
Answer at the bottom of this post. Be patient, read the entire post. My son has a story to tell.
Your Father
Hi Dad, what's up?
Nada, just chill-N. What you and Dad been up to lately?
Oh, not much. We're working on this project right now, nothing too big.
Hmmm, is it bigger than a breadbox?
Actually, it has a circle around it all the time,
And has finally learned it's poetic rhymes.
Father says, it's a project that must not lose,
Just remember, always play by the rules.
Lil Grasshopper, I see you're another comedian Dad has transformed. Excellent, if I do say myself.
Well dad, I am a regular chip off the old block.
Yes, you are.
So, what are you going to be doing tonight?
I may get a little bit of sleep tonight. I've been dealing with a lot of internal struggles lately, not really sure what Dad up to, but I think quite a few non-believers and gym shoe creepers gonna be in a world of pain whenever He erupts. Just trying to keep on His good side, but that's damn near impossible. Long as I keep up my jokes and being His Personal Stenographer/Biographer, I get to keep all my body parts, and appreciate the effort He's taking in showing me mercy. Hallelujah!
Father says, that circle better not get any bigger. He also said, although you didn't to it today, doesn't mean you won't do it tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day.
I mean, que pasa, what's up with all that? Can't a Father, trust a son to do the rite thing? I mean shit, what's going down here? Am I on trial for something? Break it down, Lil Grasshopper.
Father says, you'll do a save the world trick, and when everyone's taken their eyes off of you for a split second, you picking up your old bad habits. Father says, they're a lot of people in need of various body organs. He said, and I quote: “DON'T GET LOST OR YOU'RE GOING TO BE AN ORGAN DONOR. YOU GET TO CHOOSE WHICH TWO PARTS. HA, HA”.
Yes dad, talk to Lil Grasshopper. Hit me with what you got.
No bullshit! Dad really say that?
Every single word. He said, you've been extremely obedient…
I am my Father's son.
Dad, He also said, He knows you too well, which is why He always watching you. Any comments?
Well, I do at times, get slightly confused with that circle. Sometimes, I think it's too small, and I venture outside of it.
I'll visit the hospital should you forget your compass.
That's cool. Bring something Italian, no Cannoli.
Okay. Goodnight dad, love and kisses!
Nite Rose.
Back to our regularly scheduled program
My son really has achieved success quite remarkably in the past few days, however, he needs more work and he knows it. Remember my children, you can't get to heaven if you don't know how to count to seven. Mr. Chuckles will get around to that shortly. Also, be advised, you must maintain your proficiency in your relationship with God (That's me) all the time, not sometimes, most of the time, not even 99.99%, but, “ALL THE TIME!”
The reason is when that internal clock stops ticking,
You may think it's a mistake, your name is missing,
It's not missing, just not on the list,
I've been telling you constantly, but you missed.
The only way to get to heaven,
Is learning how to count to seven.
Your Father
Answer to the riddle:
Most of you don't believe,
which is why you won't receive,
The greatest gift of all in Jesus Christ,
For all of you, he gave his life.