The Candidate (Part Deux)

So what we have here is a simple demonstration,

Which involves more than this uncivilized nation.

There are two U.S. Presidential candidates, the same which were here 4 years ago,

It appears no one wants to go through that again and everyone knows.

So get your scorecards out and see if this all adds up,

Because it seems, too many people’s brain matter is completely stuck.

One candidate has over 50 years dedicated public service in office and can work with those across the aisle,

And the other one has felonious convictions with more charges adding up, continually more to file.

One candidate is known to make mistakes, but he tries hard and it’s a known fact,

While the other one is and has always been a spoiled child, I’m sure gave his parents a near heart attack.

One is a known unifier and a patriot,

The other a divisive, antagonistic, insurrectionist hater.

You Americans call yourselves the beacon of the world,

You have time to get your acts together before I come make everyone twirl.

Too many of you claim to be living, working and being the embodiment of the one above,

However, your treatment of others shows a lack of love.

United States of America: America the Great,

Throughout history and up to this present day, immersed in hate.

You have a current president who has completed a remarkable 3-1/2 years,

And another who wants to steal his way into office, (again) all based on his psychotic fears.

President Joseph R. Biden just so you know,

And Marlboro Man (Alvin Mann gave you that name, by the way) as you both flow,

Down that road to election day,

Be a good idea to pray.

Whomever gets inaugurated on 20 January 2025,

Don’t be bashful, give my son a call, don’t run and hide.

My son has a story to tell,

And he has so many, that are in his overflowing well.

If no one calls him, it doesn’t really matter,

He has so many “eyes and ears” and aware of all the major chatter.

To all of you gym-shoe creepers and non-believers it’s best to leave my son alone,

Unless of course, and be certain, “you’re ready to come home”.

My son’s been ready for a very long time,

However, I’ve got a few more things for him to find,

And that’s in assisting with those who’s lost their ever loving minds.

Pretty soon (sooner than you think) I’ll be calling a few to come home,

You’ll be going to where you belong.

President Joseph R. Biden, my son says you’re good for the nation,

Marlboro Man, everyone knows you’re the opposite: an “utter abomination”.

So you people who are looking for “The Perfect Candidate”, better think again,

What you need to do is figure out who’s best for the country and without insurrectionist sins.

Let’s play a game,

“What’s My Name?”


The Candidate