Judge Me Not (I’m Supreme)
Supreme Court of the United States,
Once, “the beacon of the world to look at for justice” has evolved into such a contemptible state of hate.
It appears, and for quite some time,
At the United States Supreme Court: “Justice Is Not Blind”.
Look and behold,
“Justice has been sold”.
John, you’re at the lead and not necessarily a crook,
You, for whatever apparent reason, have mistook,
Allegiance to someone (regardless who it may be) to be comforted in providing you a “safety net”,
In the end, will leave your legacy in “shambles” and that you can bet.
Clarence, I’m not going to waste much time with you,
I’ve known since, before your beginning, you were one of the few.
You would come in and speak with an “abundance and spectacular oratory skill”,
And dismantle all that was righteous, just to get your devilish, ungodly thrills.
Neil, you’re not really much better,
And you continue to prove it in your love letters.
The rulings that you make on the bench, are payback to Mitch and Marlboro Man when they gave you a break,
Your appointment to the Supreme Court: the American people, received in you, another big mistake.
Samuel, you are truly a work of art,
With you, I really don’t know where to start.
You’ve always shown, to me, a lack of class,
The way you present yourself to others, as if to say, “kiss my ass”.
I don’t believe you’ve actually said it, (I presently don’t have proof) but actions “speak much louder than words”,
Worldwide, your actions have been immensely heard.
Brett, you’re another one “that has slipped through the cracks”,
Many times I awaken in the middle of the night, with “a panic attack”.
I yell, “Elizabeth I’m coming to join you honey”,
I hear a voice, and it says, stop being funny.
However, justice cannot be served, if it’s bought with a price,
I know good from bad: and that’s just not right.
Amy, I always knew exactly how and which way you would roll,
I was once Satan’s #1 Disciple, Worldwide and am well aware of those, without a soul.
A soulless wonder you are, without a doubt,
Bible thumping, hallelujah preaching child (but not of God) our Father, quite often, doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
I’ll say a special prayer and hope you get in,
However, you must start immediately: turn your back on “judicial sin”.
What is the moral here,
I must state this and be absolutely clear,
You’ll never get to heaven,
If you can’t count to seven.
Everyone knows, that which is right and which is wrong,
We all live by the very same song.
Do unto others as you would want to have done to yourselves: figure out what that means,
But, be sure to keep your hands clean.
I’m not concerned with anyone on the planet, because I know “exactly what I’m talking about”,
The one I truly fear, is the same one you should also: “He’s the one with ALL THE CLOUT”.
Don’t be surprised if we all (SCOTUS and I) meet one day and come “face to face”,
Let us sit and break some bread together: “I’ll be the one to say grace”.
Judge Me Not (I’m Supreme),
Your hands: Are they clean?
Alvin Mann