Blog Post Ten

Another day in the life of an up and coming artist. Yes, we have another da Vinci, Rembrandt and Picasso in the making. At least that's what the little man inside my head tells me. Critics? What do they know? All they do is talk about art, but what do they really know about real art? Sure, some have degrees in art, but where's their galleries? Art shows? Paintings? So although they may know a little bit about art, until you've toiled and created something out of nothing (a bare canvas) don't discuss my art and/or techniques.

Keep them mealy-mouth comments away from me, because I'm not having it. Go file that in your not-to-do list. That's rite, you haters, whatever happens, I'm gonna do it my way.



You know, I knew you was gonna pop up, and just when I was getting my flow going. So, what's up sunshine? What has “The Grand Poobah” commanded today?

He's given you a reprieve!


Excuse me?

I didn't stutter. You may not know Mr. Know-It-All as well as you think. But I've been dealing with Him a long time. He and I both know, if what was proposed, were to happen, He'd be up shit-creek.

Excuse me?

Ask Him. When He made me, He broke the mold. Never before or after has one been made of such magnificence. Ask Him!

He said, What about Jesus?

Jesus in a category all by himself. Next.

He said, what about Adam?

He came from the dust, I didn't come from no dirty ground. I came from man. Next!

He said, stop while you're ahead…


He said, He loves you very much.

I already know that, so, what does He really mean?

He said, “Love Hurts”.

Tell Him, I'm sorry!

He accepts your sincere apology, but you owe Him. And you owe Him big time.

See, that's what I'm talking about. I'm the only one He does this to. Everyone else, gets a walk, a clean break. But no, He always tells me, “I need to set the example”…

But dad…

I'm not finished.

Sorry dad, continue.

He always on my back, everywhere I look, there He is. Everywhere I go, He's rite there. I can't get away from Him.



Father does that with everyone.

Bullshit! He tells me, I need to take the lead, and I'm talking about for the entire planet. So, how many peeps you know He told that to. Jesus and Adam don't count. They in a category all by themselves.



You and I already know why He told you that, don't we?

What's your point?

My point is, you need to get with the program.

Oh, I see He got you brainwashed too.



Tell the truth.

Why? I'm having too much fun bullshiting with my daughter. She made it home. Hallelujah!


Yes, ole faithful daughter? Talk to dad.

You playing games and trying to avoid the issue.

Actually, I'm not. I just know what Mr. Perfect got in store for me and I have my own plans.

He's aware of your plans, but says you need to go with His plans or else. We both know, whatever that or else is, isn't something neither of us want for you. So how about it?

Tell you what…

He says, don't go there…

But, He's God. He can do anything.

We all work for Him and not the other way around.

Well, no shit Sherlock, I didn't realize that. Thanks for the update.

He said, Ha ha! But this time, He didn't mean it in a humorous way.

So, what you think He gonna do?

He said, “you'll find out”.

Tell Him, I'm sorry.

He said, He forgives you.

Tell Him, the devil made me say that.

He said, no he didn't.


Yes, talk to an old dawg. Tell me something good.

He said, quit, make a full stop while you're ahead.

Tell “The Grand Poobah” I said, gracias! Tell Him, I'm still waiting on that bag full of cash!

He says, “patience is a virtue”.

Clarify please.

He said, the longer you wait, the more patient you become. He also says, you need the practice.

Okay, whatever. But, I'll still be waiting.


Yes, Rose!

Have a good night and I know, you're going to glorify our Father's name.

Oh really?

No, O'Reilly!

Nite Rose.

Night dad.

Night Mary Ellen!

Night John Boy!

Rose, who was that?

Father. He said, He always wanted to do that!

I guess I've done heard it all now.

No dad, wait til you see what He does for an encore.

Do I get a hint?

No, but when it happens, you'll know where it came from.

Later Gator!

Afterwhile Crocodile Dad-E!

Back to our regularly scheduled program

So what's the moral of this story? Hmmm, I've been trying to figure that out myself. Best I come up with is, God forgives, but you must be sincere with our Father or else you will be very sorry.

Anyways, The Big Kahuna, still keeping me waiting, but that's okay. I know eventually, He gonna hook me up. I just don't know when, so I'll just keep my nose pressed against the grindstone. He really likes that, especially when I do it. Always telling me, “Love Hurts”. Like it's a broken record. Yes, He tells me this,

“All… The... Time.”

Well, He's the Father and we all His children, so I guess we have to deal with it.

I'm not gonna sweat it. So, I'll see you soon in the Galleria. That's Lilly Pollyanna Galleria.


Alvin Mann


Blog Post Eleven


Blog Post Nine