Blog Post Seventeen

The clock is ticking and my faithful, but troubled son is traveling a crooked road. Actually, the road is quite straight, but for some reason, he likes to take detours. That's okay, because I'm going to hook him up, but good. Okay, he won't get hurt too bad. A couple of days in I.C.U. should be enough to wake him up. He's always telling people that his father, that's me, The Grand Poobah, be playing games.

Guess what, all of you gym shoe creepers: you better stand by, because I'm about to create havoc over the entire planet at the same time. Forgot about COVID-19, I'm gonna have something that's going to make that look elementary. Don't believe me? Good! Because like my son, the knucklehead one, (Alvin Mann) we both enjoy making non-believers into believers. As of this writing it's nowhere on planet Earth. To verify, sometime after this post, it will appear. This way, you'll all know this came from me, The Grand Poobah, so it's in your best interests (that's the entire planet) to leave my son alone.

We're both “Big Dawgs”. I'm Big Kahuna and he's Mini-Me. That's what I call him, he can call himself anything he wants to. As long as he doesn't call himself God or Jesus, he gets a walk, otherwise, and he knows this, “The Original Gangster”, gonna show the entire planet what I'll do to those who go against me. Don't believe me? Ask Mr. Wannabe Kahuna. He knows what I'm capable of. Ask him what I did to him the last time he turned his back on me. I can still hear him screaming, ask him and see what he tells you. And it better be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help him God (that'll be me).



Rose, what's the deal?

Father said He got some bad news for you.

Okay, what is it?

He said, you'll find out!

Who bullshiting me, Him, you or both?


Yes, Rose!

I'm just the messenger, I delivered the message and that's it.

Oh really?

It is, what it is dad. You need to take it up with Father if you need more information. He enjoys talking to you. He tells me that all the time. He tells everyone, that you're a good entertainer!

No shit?

That's the God's honest truth!

You always been waiting for the perfect time to say that, haven't you?


Okay, gimme some good news.

Father says, you should be getting some Benjamins in a few days. He said, don't spend it all in one place.

No shit?

Dad, I'm just the messenger. The message has been delivered.

O-Kee-Dokey Smokey!

That's all you have to say? No backtalk?


Yes dad?

I'm still the same person and I'm not going to change, but, with Dad, I've come to the conclusion, that I better be cool. He about to go on the warpath. And for some reason, He's chosen me to take the lead. So for protection, I need to do what He says to the letter or, believe me, He gonna hook me up, but not in a good way.

Tell the truth.

Why, bullshiting is a lot more fun.


Yes Rose?

We both know, I have a question that you trying to avoid answering, correct?

And your point being, what, exactly?

Father got you shook up, don't He?

Yes! He didn't tell me, but, I've been dealing with Him long enough to know, when He up to something. His spirit comes over me and goes throughout my entire body and then, poof. He's gone.

Dad, you serious?

I'm telling you, He's done it too many times. First few times He did it, I ignored it. After them accidents, I knew it was Him. Because, immediately after I ignored those “spirit encounters”, the accidents happened. So yeah, I think you and most peeps, especially the ones upstairs, know Dad cut me a lot of slack. He does, but damn, I make Him laugh all the time. So yeah, He give me a lot of rope.

So, what you saying dad, you gonna fly straight and do the right thing?

I'm not saying that at all, and I am not changing one iota. What I'm saying is, on these missions Dad sending me on, I'm gonna get in and get out and handle my business. Because, this business is God's business. So I need to keep a cool head when I go out on the battlefield, because something tells me Dad have a lot of battles prepared for me.

You think so?

Yes, but it's all good. Dad knows I'm battle-tested!


Yes Rose, talk to an old Dawg!

You do know, I'm gonna hang out with you when you go on the battlefield?

I do and you better make damn sure you give me a heads up when someone sneaking up on me.

10-4 good buddy!

Roger Wilco!

Good night dad.

Nite Rose!

Back to our regularly scheduled program

A family that prays together, stays together. Also a family that looks out for one another, will always be a blessing to their father in heaven (that'll be me). Tme is coming to a end pretty soon. Prepare yourselves. This is for the world, cyberspace and everyone else.

Peace unto you all.

The Big Kahuna


Blog Post Eighteen


Blog Post Sixteen