The Clock Is Ticking (Tick, Tock)
As I Ponder on a August sunny day,
I watch “All My Children” at play.
I wonder (God, that's me) if they ever say,
As they play, thank the one who paved the way.
I never, ever, ever, ever hear my name,
When you enthusiastically play your game.
Tell me what it is that I must do,
To finally find a way to get through,
To each and every one of you?
So, this is how it will be,
Everyone will finally see.
One day as you listen to the clock,
Yes, my ungrateful children…it will finally stop.
Tick, Tock!
Riddle Time: I'm full of love, which is unseen.
Answer at the bottom of this post. Be patient, read the entire post. My son has a story to tell.
So dad!
Talk to a big dawg.
You know Father preparing you for some serious battles don't you?
Yes, He keeps tormenting me with all this shit I got to write, talking about “read that back again”. I'm like, “que pasa” I'm the student, you the teacher, why in hell I gotta be doing this shit? You can't find someone else? You trying to tell me, on this entire planet, you can't find one sumbitch with better Stenographer skills than me? I'm like, Dad, I didn't go to school for this shit. I'm quite sure you can find someone more qualified. Guess what He told me? Guess?
I'm God, I can do anything I want. What you going to do about it?
I'm God, I can do anything I want. What you going to do about it? Is exactly what He said.
So what you do then dad?
Well, I came prepared. I took out one of them 9mm bullets, put it between my teeth and bit down hard. I also exercised my thoughts. Been practicing my yoga a lot lately. With Dad and His supernatural mind reading skills, if I so much as think of saying something bad about Him, He gonna put me in I.C.U. for a minimum two days. He's done it to me more than once, I was younger then. Dad, know how old I am, He don't care. Same thing He did to me, 40 years ago, He'll do it again. I can take the pain, that's not the problem. The recovery process gonna take longer, that's all.
So, what you saying dad, Father got you shook up?
Lil Grasshopper, Dad and I are both Big Dawgs. He Big Kahuna and He calls me Mini-Me. I'll take that from Him and that's where it stops. Think about it. If He's God and calls me Mini-Me, what that make you think?
That you God in human form?
Well, yes and no. My orders are to be followed to the letter, but you know that already, which is why He got you, my own flesh and blood, doing this 24hours a day surveillance on me. Because, you both know, given a millisecond, I can do all type of shit with them super powers. But Dad, always give me the exact amount to get the job done, nothing more, nothing less.
You know Father loves you, but He don't trust you.
Hell, I don't trust me, because I know what I'm capable of. It ain't got a damn thing to do with no super powers. I turned my back on Dad as His number one, to go work for Satan as his number one for one reason and one reason only.
What was that dad, tell everyone, because Father told me, and like me, He always said, you have potential.
Well, I went to work for old Satan, because my sole purpose was to take over his whole operation. Damn taking orders, I can't be The Big Kahuna in heaven, I'll be it in Hell.
What, I hear it in your voice and it's something crazy, but go ahead.
What sense does it make to be number one on earth to eventually spend eternity in Hell.
Lil Grasshopper.
Yes dad, it better be good.
At the time, it made plenty sense. But, I realized my error much too late. “Father Knows Best” is for real. Our Father, The Big Kahuna, The Benevolent One, The Omnipotent One, The Grand Poobah and every other name I gave Him, because, I gave Him them names, does know what's best.
You really feel that way dad?
Sure I do. Big Head Kahuna, know how I feel. He also know I'm not gonna change. He pre-programmed me to be this way. He will forever be spirit and there's no way around that. So we, All His Children, have to play different roles in His game. He's the Father and we the children and we all need to get along together. Dad's fed up with all the bullshit and He's decided “enough is enough”.
Dad preparing me for “God’s War”. Watch, Dad gonna stir up all type of shit at the end of His Countdown Clock. He gonna wait til the last second, then He gonna tell me what to do.
Why is that, dad? Why not give more notice?
Dad always playing games with me like this. He pull this shit, All…The…Time. Talking about, He gotta keep me on my toes. I mean damn, you can't spread this Fatherly Love around? Tells me, I always put on a good show.
Dad, your peeps in heaven love your performances and they always give you a A+ in drama.
Well, somebody up there, starting with you needs to talk to Dad, because He put me in the comedy department quite often.
No need to now dad.
Why's that?
God's War is not a comedy. This the real deal.
Well, I guess I better get prepared, because Dad gonna drop this shit on me at the last second, talking about, “here's your orders, execute them” and then “Poof”, He gone. When Dad, do shit like that, I need to bounce A.S.A.P. He done pulled that shit on me too many times. Oh well, whatever. Eventually, I'm coming home, to rest for all of eternity. So until then, I'll play Dad's games.
So how you feel about all of this dad, really?
C'mon, if I had my way, we'd rotate and let Him play my game. But, unfortunately, that's not how it is. So, I just have to follow orders and move on.
Father's really enjoying your performance tonight.
Bullshit. He just can't wait until this clock runs out, give me my orders, disappear and then wait and see what I'm gonna do.
So dad, what are you going to do?
Lil Grasshopper, you know damn well, I'm gonna be on the 1st flight to wherever in the hell He got me going. If it starts here at home base and then moves elsewhere, then that's how it's gonna be. I been working with this Dude too long. This is not the time to be playing with Him. After this shit is over with, He might cut me a little slack. For now, I know both of you gonna be on my ass until this shit is finished.
So dad.
Father said you ready to get paid. Your Benjamins are enroute and you'll be receiving it soon. He said, don't go crazy, because the Lord giveth and He taketh away.
Thanks Dad and Rose. You both know I'm not gonna change, but I'll do the best I can. You also know, take your eyes off me for a millisecond and I'm gonna get into all type of shit. Catch me if you can!
Dad, Father says you better not go too far outside the circle. Outside, but not too far.
O-Kee-Dokey Smokey and The Bandit. Dad is Smokey because He always lighting a fire under me, and you the Bandit because when you hang with me, ain't no telling what type of shit you gonna get into.
Night dad.
Nite Rose, The Bandit!
Back to our regularly scheduled program
Yes, I do believe my son is finally getting around to what he needs to do: whatever I say, whenever I say and most of all, do exactly to the letter what I say. I'm going to cut Mini-Me some slack, but not much. I can never do that with him. I need to keep him on his toes. Now, for the rest of my children: that's you planet earth, it's a different story. Everyone, and I mean the entire planet, better take care of my son, Alvin Mann. He's under orders from me (God). Touch him and I'm going to touch you. Remember I love all my children exactly the same. Equally.
Also remember…”Love Hurts”.
Your Father
Answer to the riddle: You, the unclean soul. You put on the airs of righteousness, but I don't know you. You'll never arrive in heaven. I guarantee it.