God’s Guerrilla Warfare

Although I (God that is) am spirit, you, humans are not. I have placed both good and bad into each living human. It's up to each individual, how they will respond to the good and bad within. Let me break it down, to the lowest denomination for all you non-believers and gym shoe creepers.

The spirit of God (that's me) and the spirit of Satan are both inside every human, past, present and future. Each person is responsible for their own actions, reactions, or non-action. Your non-action is a reaction that you have failed to utilize, which makes you, quite frankly, “a wuss”. I'm God, I call it like it is. Me and my Earth Stenographer, Alvin Mann just had a Father-Son talk. Take my word, he works for me, and will only work for me until I get tired. As long as he does what I say, when I say and how I say, he gets to stay out of I.C.U. He was right about one thing, although you can't believe most things he says. (that's a hint by the way) I know how old he is: 62yrs young. He does look good for his age, but I can alter that in a millisecond. Don't mess with me, Mini-Me. You the best performer I will ever have, but you did turn your back on me, and go work for Satan. From Number One Preacher to Number One Sleeper. Because if you work for Satan, eventually you will be sleeping…with the fishes.

I have my Earth Stenographer writing for me, because he amuses me. As long as he plays his role, he gets to keep all his body parts. Mess around with and go back to a loser again, or even think about it, I'm going to issue a command order to all 6,000 of your brothers and they are going to come out from their various locations and each one going to take a piece of you. You a AWB (Average White Band) fan. “Pick Up The Pieces”. There were only a few pieces last time, but I already knew I was going to put you back together. I told you then I was going to come to you one day and you would have to pay me back. Well Mini-Me, it's here. You're the check and I'm the cashier, so you will determine how much you get.

This is “Play to Pay” my children. I've put the fear of God (that's me) in Alvin Mann. He's a Elvis Presley fan, “He's All Shook Up”. Which is a good thing, All My Children should act accordingly. Fear God and no one else. At least, I must “ALWAYS COME FIRST”. You better stop making me 2nd, 3rd, 10th, 200th or never.

That's okay,

We still have time to play.

Look at the clock,

It'll eventually stop.

When I say go, you go,

When I say stop, it's no.

You'd better start to listening,

Or the scars will start to glistening.

I'm the Lawnmower Man,

And I'll catch you if I can.

(Psyche) I'll get you for sure,

The question is, can you endure?

You scream, the pain is making me insane,

Just remember, “no pain, no gain”.

Ask Alvin Mann, he once had a plan,

He had to place that in the trashcan.

I'll allow him to continue with his jokes,

To entertain all you folks.

Planet Earth, you better look at the countdown clock,

Because when the 30 days are up…it's going to stop.

Tick, Tock

Your Father


Riddle Time: I usually strike at every hour, what am I?

Answer at the bottom of this post. Be patient, read the entire post. My son has a story to tell.



Lil Grasshopper, what it is. What The Big Kahuna up to?

Haven't you heard?

Well He spoke to me just now and giving me a reprieve. But now I have to start exercising damn near the whole day, everyday and this shit ain't easy.

So dad, you on that ab machine a lot I see and your punching bag, and weight machine looks well used.

Lil Grasshopper?

Yes dad, hit me, because I see I need to sit down. Okay dad, lay it on me.

The physical exercises are easy, it's the mental that's giving me the blues.

Break it down, to it's lowest denomination dad.

You know, I see now where you got that shit from. Dad had me Stenographerfying (I just made this word up) for Him to type all of this shit, about me, but I really can't do anything about it since He's Big Head Kahuna and He got all them super powers.

Peeps, you out there in cyberspace land, my Father (God) allows me a little leeway, but I've discovered I best be extremely cool, at least until I get on His good side. I’m now, a “half a heartbeat” away from I.C.U. No Dad, not gonna be too hard on me, I hope (He just said 2days). Because with just a thought, my Dad can wipe out the entire universe. Everything can be gone in a millisecond. He's decided, He just gonna wipe out 1/3 of the planet. He gonna keep me around because, I entertain Him. He's also aware that I enjoy breathing on my own, unassisted. I currently have all my body parts thanks to Dad (Thanks Dad, keep up the good work of having mercy on your only begotten knucklehead son). Look how He got me talking. He put the fear of God (by the way, my Dad is God) in me.

So to all you peeps out there, listen up. You better get your house in order. I'm not sure how many of you my dad gonna take out, but I've just checked (Google is awesome) and there's 7.7 Billion peeps on Earth, that's 2020 Census. I didn't ask, and He didn't tell me (I'm not gonna ask either, He'll tell me if He wants to, because I'm still trying to stay out of His line of fire). This is my best guesstimation: one-third of the current Earth's population. I've been working with my Dad for a while, so I've seen Him conduct all type of shit, both good and bad. I am “living proof that “Love Hurts”. Oh well, so far, He's cut me a little slack, but this Dude on some serious, “Guerrilla Warfare” type of shit.

For all you non-believers, my Dad about to make you all believers. Watch! With a thought, Dad about to bring havoc on Earth. Until that day comes, and time will eventually stop, on that clock. I'll leave you with one thought…


Back to our regularly scheduled program

My son has finally been broken, because, he has “been broken”. Oh no, I didn't physically touch him yet, however, I'll do it, whether he listens to me or not. Whether he fails or succeeds. Why? I'm God, and everyone from Adam and Eve, to Jesus and Alvin Mann and everyone before and after I can do as I please with. Their is one God, and I am He. The only reason Mini-Me said the things he said tonight is because I gave him a glimpse of his past and future. He of all people past, present and future conducted the “Ultimate Sin”.

Only three humans have been in line to my throne, which none, even “Mr. Chuckles” will ever sit in. Oh, they can sit in my lap, because I always enjoy “All My Children” having a turn. But you can only do it in heaven, not by imagination. Alvin Mann knows how it feels, ask him.

I am most definitely real,

Alvin Mann knows how I feel.

When he sits in my lap,

I have to give him a tap.

Alvin, I always have to say,

You'll have to come back another day.

Here in heaven up above,

Where I sit with eternal love.

Now I must go to work,

On a place called Earth.

It appears everyone wants to just play,

And not do anything I say.

It’s very, very, very, very cool.

Soon, we're going to find out who's the fool.

Look at the clock,

Pretty soon it's going to stop.


Your Father


Answer to the riddle: Clock. Can you tell time? Oh really, then I guess you'll be ready.


The Time Has Come (For Fun)


Mission Control to Major Tom